When traveling to another state, you may have to rent a vehicle to get to your destination or have handy while you run errands or are out sightseeing. When rental car agencies offer you their coverage, you have the option of declining it. The problem with that is, if something happens, you’re basically responsible. Most people don’t realize that when you opt out, you can still have adequate coverage under your personal car insurance policy. Most car insurance companies allow personal policy holders the option of using their own car insurance for rentals. Why? For one, it would be significantly cheaper. Although this option is available, it’s best to know before renting the vehicle what your insurance policy covers. In more instances, your car insurance policy would cover damage to the vehicle and some liability in the event of an accident. It may also cover some theft. This gives you the advantage of utilizing your car insurance policy to the fullest, getting all your money’s worth out of those monthly payments. For more information on car insurance and home insurance options in the Texas area, contact Mike Leonard insurance.