Stay safe and protect your home with these barbecue safety tips!
Spring weather means it’s time for barbecue season. Whether you prefer to throw a lavish backyard bash or a small intimate get-together, barbecue safety is of the utmost importance. Every year an estimated 8,800 home fires are caused by grilling accidents. Ensure that your outdoor entertaining goes off without a hitch and protect yourself with these barbecue safety tips.
Check For Gas Leaks.
A gas leak can seriously impact your risk for a fire. Be sure that you check for any leaks before you fire up the grill. Make a soapy solution to rub on the hose and any connections. Turn on the gas and look for any bubbles. If you’re bubble-free, then you’re good to go.
Take It Outside.
While chilly temperatures may make grilling indoors more appealing, it increases your risk of a house fire and can release deadly carbon monoxide in your home. Be sure to keep your barbecue outside.
Establish A Perimeter.
Make sure to keep your barbecue away from anything flammable. It should be at least 10 feet away from the structure of your home. Additionally, keep it away from garages and carports, low hanging branches, patio furniture, and anything else that could add fuel to a fire.
Keep It Clean.
Make sure to clean the grease and fat from your grill before you start cooking. Grease can provide fuel to a blazing fire.
Stick Around.
Never leave your grill unattended. Make sure always to keep an eye on what you’re cooking so that you can stop a fire before it gets out of control.
Be Prepared.
Whenever you’re grilling, be sure to keep a fire extinguisher on hand and know how to use it. While a fire extinguisher can help to quickly put out a small fire, in the event of a major fire, be sure to call the fire department.
Ensure your home is safe from cooking fires with barbecue safety tips and homeowners insurance. Contact Mike Leonard Insurance Agency in North Texas. We’ll work to get you the right coverage from our carriers Kemper, MetLife, Travelers, The Hartford, Safeco Insurance, Progressive, and American Strategic Insurance so you can rest easy with great protection.