Many types of home fires cause significant damage that leaves the homeowner feeling hopeless and helpless. Immediately following the event, the sense of shock must be overcome while the steps are completed quickly.
- Contact your insurance agent and insurance company immediately.
- Ask questions and follow the representative’s instructions.
- Find a safe place to stay.
The insurance company can recommended trusted companies that can provide essential services. Insurance coverage pays for many expenses that can make the entire process easier. Companies offer these services:
- Security around the property;
- Damage estimates;
- Restoration of the property;
- Cost estimates for repairing or replacing personal property;
- Storage of personal belongings; and
- Subcontractors for cleaning and repairs.
Loss of legal documents can cause issues when the homeowner must conduct personal business. Banks and credit card companies can replace cards quickly to allow access to accounts. Ask trusted advisors for the best way to handle the insurance proceeds.
Homeowners must pause to remember that other people are available to help restore the property to pre-event condition. No one has to walk this challenging road alone.
For more information about home insurance and auto insurance in Texas, contact Mike Leonard Insurance located in Carrollton to get a quote, today.