If we were to wait to complete all of our home maintenance tasks until the last minute, we would never get anything done and our homes would be left unattended to! As we welcome the fall season, we must think about what fall home maintenance measures can be taken to ensure a smooth transition. Compiled is a list of 5 fall home maintenance tasks to add to your to-do-list:
- The current weather conditions are perfect for fixing any chipped or peeling paint. Take a walk around the exterior of your home and mark any areas that need to be repainted. During your second walk around the home, go around with a paint brush and fix any small dings.
- One of the most important spots to hit is your gutters and downspouts. When your gutters and downspouts are filled with leaves, dirt, grime, and debris, you leave your home vulnerable to flooding. Clear all the gutters and downspouts so that water can flow smoothly. While you are at it, you may want to consider installing gutter guards for extra protection throughout the winter.
- If there are gaps in the caulking or weather stripping of your windows or doors, it is impossible for your home to best utilize all the heat coming from your heating system. Caulk any gaps or openings.
- Many homeowners fail to give their roof a good checkup before the new season arrives. Be sure to check for any loose or missing shingles and seek professional help if you notice any problem areas.
- If you plan to use your fireplace, be sure to give it a good cleaning and inspection. Likewise, you will want to have your heating system checked out by a professional to make sure that everything is running properly and efficiently.
Contact Mike Leonard Insurance Agency in Carrollton for all of your Texas homeowners’ insurance needs. We can help provide you with the guarantee that your home will be protected during the following seasons.