Before hiring a contractor to paint or remodel your home, make sure the painter or construction worker has contractor insurance coverage. If a painter accidentally slips and falls off a ladder while painting the exterior or interior of your home, you could be held liable for monetary damages unless the worker has Workers Compensation insurance.
If you are in doubt whether a carpenter or house painter has contractor insurance, ask to see proof in the form of a contractor insurance policy or certificate of insurance. If the worker does not have contractor insurance coverage, find another construction company.
At Mike Leonard Insurance, we strive to connect you with the insurance coverage you need. Whether you need auto insurance for your classic car or a home insurance policy, we offer you the best and most affordable auto insurance and home insurance options.
Remember that you can always get a quote when you visit the official Mike Leonard Insurance website. For more detailed information about how to check a contractor’s liability insurance coverage in the Carrollton, Texas, area, please contact Mike Leonard Insurance.