Improve your health and check out these easy stretches for better posture.
We’ve all been scolded one time or another to sit up straight. While it may have been annoying at the time, your mother had a point. As a matter of health, good posture helps to keep your body in alignment so that your muscles can work efficiently. Properly working muscles can help to keep your joints healthier for much longer periods of time. Unravel the stress of your day and check out these easy stretches for better posture.
Spinal Twist.
Stretching out your back is important. However, use caution, and listen to your body. Try a seated spinal twist to loosen up your back muscles a bit. Start by sitting in a chair with legs pressed together and your feet planted firmly on the ground. Bring your arms up and interlace your fingers behind your head as if you’re getting ready to do sit-ups. Then, keeping your lower body still, slowly twist your body from the ribs up from side to side, coming through center each time you switch sides.
Back Extension.
Scooch to the edge of the chair and sit up tall, lengthening through your spine. Extend your arms straight up to the sky so that your arms are beside your ears. Keep your feet firmly on the ground about hip distance apart. Then slowly lean forward, keeping your back straight so that you’re at a 45-degree angle. Make sure to engage your abdominal muscles to help keep your body lifted and take pressure off of your back. This stretch should help to lengthen your back and build a bit of core strength.
Feel better and get your body back into alignment with these easy stretches for better posture. Contact Mike Leonard Insurance Agency in North Texas. We’ll work to get you the right coverage from one of our carriers Kemper, MetLife, Travelers, The Hartford, Safeco Insurance, Progressive, and American Strategic Insurance so you can rest easy with great protection.