Tips for Safely Donating During the Holidays and Avoiding Charity Scams
In the spirit of the holidays, many individuals choose to partake in holiday volunteering and charity giving to give back to those less fortunate. Unfortunately, everyone is not as committed to the season of giving as you may be. Whether you are looking to donate to local charities or large scale charities with a well-recognized brand, you must be aware of the dangers so that you can be donating to a truer cause. Compiled is a list of ways you can ensure your money is going to the right places:
- Before you volunteer to assist a nonprofit organization or make a donation, make sure to research the organization. Often, corrupt charities will make their name similar to a well-recognized name to trick unsuspecting donators. By entering the charity’s name at Charity Navigator, GuideStar, or the Better Business Bureau, you can check the validity of the organization.
- Nowadays, requests to donate to charities digitally are filling our social media newsfeeds and email inboxes. Rather than making the mistake of donating to a less than needed cause, check to make sure the URL of the website begins with “https” instead of just “http.” Also, refrain from donating by clicking a link you received. Rather, go to the website directly if you want to send your donation in digitally.
- As tempting as it may be to donate to the sweet little girl that just knocked on your door, it is important that you avoid donating to door-to-door solicitors and phone solicitors. These individuals typically run a scam operation. Also, you must consider that this solicitor must be paid, taking away from the portion of your donation that actually goes to the charity.
Merry Christmas from our family to yours! We hope these helpful tips for holiday volunteering and charity giving make for a successful holiday season! Serving Carrollton, Coppell, and all of North Texas, contact Mike Leonard Insurance Agency for all of your insurance needs.