As the holiday season swings into full gear, don’t forget that there are some plants that are dangerous to your pet. Bringing plants inside your home in general can be dangerous if you aren’t aware of what pesticides they’ve been treated with. Poinsettia plants, for instance, aren’t dangerous on their own but may be treated with chemicals that are dangerous.
Mistletoe and holly can also be extremely dangerous if they are eaten. Signs that your pet has eaten these include seizures, pain, drooling and an upset stomach. A holiday tree itself could be dangerous to a pet, as pine needles can perforate the interior of a pet’s organs. Further, lilies and daffodils are both toxic, especially to cats.
To play it safe, always look items up before you bring them into your home or call your vet to find out more. Don’t forget that one of the best ways to keep everyone in your family safe is by having the right insurance. Contact Mike Leonard Insurance today to get a quote regarding home insurance or other types of insurance policy in Carrollton, Texas.