When it comes to car insurance or home insurance, it is easy to assume that your possessions are covered by the plan that is suggested. Although that might be the case in some situations, you do need to regularly evaluate your current coverage to ensure it is appropriate for your needs.
Take Pictures of Valuables
Before you face a problem like a fire or major damage from a storm, take pictures of your home and belongings. The easiest way to document the items that you own is with pictures. If you are covered for those items and do not have a record, then you will not be able to replace the items.
Talk to the Company
After you have established that you own the belongings and have a clear record, you need to talk to the company to ensure your policy protects you from major losses. Ask if all of the items are covered in the policy and get an estimate of the value. If it is not covered, then you need to add more protection in your plan.
Obtaining peace of mind means that you have the right coverage. Do not make assumptions and take the time to find out before a disaster strikes. To learn more about coverage options in Texas, contact Mike Leonard Insurance.