Find out how these rules for car passengers can protect you from distractions on the road.
When it comes to your safety on the road, it’s important to keep distractions to a minimum. While putting your phone away and waiting to eat your breakfast can help to keep you safer on the road, it’s important to consider how your car passengers play a role in distracted driving. Car passengers can be extraordinarily distracting on the road. Ensure that you keep distractions to a minimum with these rules for car passengers.
Keep the Volume Low.
Safe driving requires lots of focus. Ensure that your passengers know that you need to focus while on the road. Have your passengers keep the volume down so that you can focus on the road. Turn the music down and keep conversations low so that the driver can drive safely.
Turn Off the Lights.
When it’s dark out, you may be tempted to turn on the interior lights. However, it’s important that you have your passengers keep the lights off. They can serve as a distraction that can hinder your safety on the road.
Keep Comments to Yourself.
Back seat drivers are not only annoying, but they can pose a danger to your safety. Information that’s negative can be harmful to how you drive. Protect yourself on the road by establishing a no back seat driving rule in your car.
Ensure that you make your safety on the road a priority. Keep distractions under control with these rules for car passengers. Ensure that you get the protection that you need to stay safe on the road with auto insurance. Contact Mike Leonard Insurance Agency in North Texas. We’ll work to get you the right coverage from one of our carriers Kemper, MetLife, Travelers, The Hartford, Safeco Insurance, Progressive, and American Strategic Insurance so you can rest easy with excellent protection.