Texas drivers might soon be allowed to show proof of insurance coverage with their smartphones and tablets.
A measure that recently won final approval from the Senate and is on its way to the Governor would allow the use of apps for insurance verification, eliminating the need to carry paper proof.
If signed into the law, it would place Texas alongside six other states that have passed similar legislation. Meanwhile, 21 other states are also considering making the change to permitting wireless proof.
In Texas, failure to carry proof of insurance can result in a driver losing his or her license. The state’s Financial Responsibility Law requires drivers to carry minimum liability coverage on their automobiles. In the event of an accident, liability insurance covers damages to vehicles driven by others as well as their medical expenses, as long as they are not deemed at fault.
Many major insurers have developed apps to accommodate the change in law, while others are preparing to join them.
If you are interested in car insurance, or home insurance, and live in the Carrollton, Texas area, contact Mike Leonard Insurance for a quote today.