Watch Out for These Auto Accident Hot Spots

Where car accidents happen the most.

Drivers, even extremely responsible ones, know that they cannot always prevent accidents from happening.  This is because they cannot account for other drivers or dangerous driving conditions.  However, there are certain places where car accidents happen the most.   By exercising extreme caution in the following locations, you can reduce your risk for a collision.

  • Intersections

Your risk for an accident increases any time lanes cross and come together.  This makes intersections such a dangerous spot for drivers.  Certain types of intersections are even more risky, such as roundabouts and unregulated/unsupervised intersections.  The best way to avoid accidents while driving through an intersection is by slowing down, scanning the area, and merging cautiously.

  • Parking Lots

Many accidents take place in parking lots because of the high concentration of cars and pedestrians.  Additionally, drivers need to back out of parking spots, which can be tricky from a visibility standpoint.  Many parking lot accidents take place when a driver backs into another car or a person walking by.  The best way to avoid accidents in parking lots is by driving slowly, constantly scanning the area, and always signaling your intentions.

  • Highways and Freeways

Finally, many accidents take place on the freeway because cars are traveling at higher speeds and drivers feel like traffic laws are more relaxed.  When driving on the highway or freeway, try to stick to the speed limit and keep an eye out for reckless drivers.  You should also make sure you signal your intentions when making a lane change and avoid breaking at the last second.

These are some of the locations where car accidents happen the most.  Want to stay safe behind the wheel?  Then make sure you have the right auto insurance protections in place.  For assistance with all your car coverage needs, contact the experts at Mike Leonard Insurance Agency.  Our dedicated team is eager to find you the right coverage from one of our many carriers including: Kemper, MetLife, Nationwide, Travelers, The Hartford, Safeco Insurance, Progressive, and American Strategic Insurance.