Having to file an insurance claim can be intimidating. Just the idea of getting on the phone and calling your agent makes your mind drift back and forth about the possibility of your premiums increasing. If you are having to file a claim, then you should know that there is nothing to worry about. Here are a few steps to help you through the process.
Steps to File Your Claim
- Call us right away. The longer you wait the harder it may be to get the most benefits from your policy.
- Take pictures of the damage before any work starts.
- Do not clean up any of the damage area. An agent will want to see what it looks like.
- Provide as many details about what caused the damage as you can.
- Be flexible with the insurance company as they will need access to the damaged area.
- Return any paperwork in a timely manner.
- Protect the area while work is being done. In some cases in an insured fails to protect the damaged area they can be responsible for the new damages.
If you are in a position to file a claim, then go ahead and call us today! There’s nothing to worry about here at Mike Leonard Insurance. After all, your insurance policy is in place to cover such a loss. Our agency can also help. Feel free to visit our website to find out what you need to know about insurance. We can put you on the right path to restoring your loss.