Four Fun Spring Energy Efficiency Tips

Green energy conceptSpring is the perfect time to think about energy efficiency. Try these four easy tips to see an immediate difference in your electricity bills, even if it’s only a small one.

Change your air filters as spring arrives to make sure your furnace or air conditioner isn’t using more fuel than usual. Dirty filters increase air resistance, making it harder on the blowers to circulate warmth or cooling.

Turn down your water heater to 120 degrees. You won’t notice a difference when washing your hands and bathing, but your electricity usage will go down.

Try using a clothes line in the spring and summer to cut down on dryer use. Each use of the dryer can equal an entire month’s worth of electricity for powering a light bulb, so just a few outdoor drying sessions will help.

Finally, don’t forget to unplug most of your appliances before heading out for spring break or summer vacation. Some devices keep using power when off and plugged in, so disconnection is best when you’re not going to be home.

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