As exciting as Halloween can be for children, it is also a time for parents to exercise great caution to ensure their little ones are safe as they enjoy the fun. By following these simple safety tips, you can count on having a safe and enjoyable time.
- Halloween dressup is half the fun and choosing the right costume can protect your kids from harm. Bright, colorful costumes will make it easier for drivers to see your kids as they drive by. Well fitting costumes prevent tripping and falling.
- Trick or treating is safer if a parent is close by. Older children should stay together in groups and take care of one another as they go. They should also have a set time for returning home.
- If you’re going out at night, bring your flashlight for better visibility in the dark.
- Keep to neighborhoods that are known and well lit for the occasion.
- Keep your kids away from lit lanterns and pumpkins or other decorations in people’s yards.
- Make a plan to only eat Halloween candy after your kids are home, giving you time to examine their goodies to make sure they are safe.
Your health and safety is important for all holiday occasions. For more tips on healthy living in Carrollton, Texas, or to get a quote on health insurance, contact Mike Leonard Insurance.