It is easy to go years and years without an insurance review, even though our life situation may change and we accumulate more material goods. It is important however, to step back once in a while and reassess what we may be accumulating and check to make sure we are fully covered. There are dozens of examples.
Over the years you may have acquired valuable jewelry. Perhaps you collect coins or gold or silver. Maybe you have a growing firearms collection. Would you be surprised to learn that these items may not be covered or may be limited in their coverage by your present policy?
Homeowners’ policies generally have limitations of coverage on these valuable items including money, furs and collectibles. The only way you can find out for sure is by contacting your insurance agent.
Mike Leonard Insurance Agency is an independent insurance agency. This means we represent many companies and can offer a variety of products. This also allows us to connect you with insurance companies that can best serve your particular needs.
Contact us for a free quote today. At the very least you will know if you are covered, and we may even be able to save you money.