Since you must be equipped with auto insurance by law, many individuals view their monthly statement as a fixed number that cannot be changed. However, there are a variety of discounts available to you that can significantly reduce the amount you pay each month. Gathered are 10 auto insurance discounts that are most commonly offered by insurance companies:
- Mutli-Policy Discount – When you carry multiple policies with the same insurance carrier you receive noticeable discounts. Speak with your insurance provider about how much you would save if you bundled your homeowners’ insurance policy and auto insurance policy.
- Good Student Discount –If you are insuring your child under your auto insurance policy, you can receive a significant discount if they maintain a B average in school.
- Multi-Vehicle Discount – If you have more than one vehicle, you can receive a discount.
- Anti-Theft – Most insurance companies will give you a discount if you install a car alarm system.
- Safe Driver Discount – Most insurance providers will give you a discount if you have a clean driving record.
- Full Payment Discount – If you pay your premium at an annual rate as opposed to a monthly rate, you may receive a discount.
- Paperless Billing / Automatic Payment Discount – To support the ecofriendly movement, go paperless and receive a discount!
- Distant Student – If your child will not be bringing their car with them to college, you may be able to receive a discount since they will not be driving for the majority of the year.
- Low Mileage Discount – Many insurance companies will give you a discount for keeping your annual mileage below a certain amount.
- Green Vehicle – Some insurance companies even give discounts to those who choose to go green with a hybrid vehicle or alternative-fuel vehicle.
Contact Mike Leonard Insurance Agency for all of your Carrollton, Texas auto insurance needs. We can provide you with affordable auto insurance without scarifying protection.