Getting ready to hit the open road and enjoy your last summer road trip of the season? If you will be renting a car for your road trip, it is imperative that you obtain the necessary insurance coverage to protect your vacation. Many standard auto insurance policies include coverage on a rental car through the physical damage coverage of the policy, however, many motorists are unaware of this coverage option. If you do not have Comprehensive or Collision coverage under your existing auto insurance policy, chances are you can receive coverage through one of your credit card carriers.
We want you to take advantage of all the protection that is offered to you, and that is why we will dispel some common myths regarding rental car insurance, and provide you with the facts. If you can receive free rental car collision coverage through your credit card carrier, why would you pay the elevated fees at the rental car company?
- All of the four major credit card networks (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, & Discover) all offer some form of rental car insurance coverage.
- Of the four major credit card networks, MasterCard is the only one that does not provide coverage to every single one of its cards. You will have to determine whether or not your card makes you eligible for coverage.
- Listed from highest ranking to lowest ranking for the quality of rental car insurance policies offered: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa.
- If you want to take advantage of rental car insurance through your credit card carrier, you will be required to charge the entire rental car transaction on the credit card, and decline supplemental insurance from the rental car company.
Contact Mike Leonard Insurance Agency today for all of your Carrollton, Texas auto insurance needs. We can help you get the necessary rental car insurance to insure your next summer road trip.